
Office of Public Affairs

Office of Public Affairs

The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) takes charge of the University’s public relations program within UST’s integrated communication plan. Guided by the mission and vision of the University, its task includes gathering and/or receiving news/ publicity, promotional and information materials that the Office packages into functional media platforms for dissemination to UST’s internal and external publics upon coordination with the Office of the Secretary-General. The Office organizes and manages special events geared towards eliciting appreciation and support of the University’s programs. It also attends to UST guests and visitors. Its other functions include sustaining and building strong relationship with the University’s various stakeholders.

The Academia, the official international bulletin of the University which is now online and accessible through the UST website, the UST concise and comprehensive brochures, the freshman information materials, campus tour brochure, and coffeetable book such as the visit of Pope Francis to UST on January 18, 2015, are published by the Office. These materials and other special/commemorative publications are published by the Office in coordination with the Office of the Secretary-General.

Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

The Office of Public Affairs commits itself to be a creative and dynamic partner of the University in communicating the University’s identity and promoting the University’s brand concretized in its expressed mission and vision, a clear and responsible communicator and an active participant in University events and visits. It conveys messages to the University’s various stakeholders through various media platforms. It is a corporate-oriented advocate of quality service for shared positive engagements, an enthusiastic initiator in building goodwill among its internal and external publics and a dynamic catalyst of change as an effective center of interactive communication that is guided by the Gospel values and inspired by a constant pursuit of the Truth.â€

Vision Statement

The Office of Public Affairs envisions itself to promote a leadership of service in PR practice in an academic setting through an empowered human resource trained to be multi-skilled and formed with a Christian ethics that values excellence in service and interpersonal relationships; a systematic design and implementation of functions, such as public relations programs for its internal and external publics and a focused and consistent communication of the defined University identity that is shared not only to the University community but also to Asia and the world at large.â€

Office of Public Affairs Functions and Services

Information Management

The Academia

Ìý UST Protocol Manual

Visual Identity Manual

Freshman Information Material

Campus Tour Brochure

OPA Facebook

Relative to its functions and services, the Office:

  • Publishes the Academia, the international bulletin of UST, also the freshman information materials such as the Campus Tour Brochure and the Guide for Freshmen, and the UST Brochure;
  • Sends press releases to radio and TV (broadcast), newspapers and magazines (print), and alternative media (digital) platforms;
  • Establishes partnerships with external agencies that include media organizations for heightened publicity;
  • Posts the ‘UST in the News’ in strategic areas of the University to
  • Shares with the internal community the press releases on UST that are published by external media;
  • Assists in the posting of announcements on the UST e-board, and advertisements in external publications; and
  • Assists in the preparation of promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, banners or posters.

Event Management

The Office participates in pre-event, event proper, and post-event activities. The events team assures the observance of protocol in events attended by the members of the church hierarchy, diplomatic corps, government officials and leaders of educational institutions of international prominence, among others. ÌýÌý

Arrival of Pope Francis in USTÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý

Signing of Pope Francis in the University Guest Book

Mass of St. Dominic with the newly appointed Master of the Order of Preachers, Very Rev. Fr. Gerard Francisco P. Timoner, III, O.P., SThL, as main presider

Lecture by South Korea Ambassador Han Dong-Man

Campus Tour Brochure

Relative to its functions and services, the Office:

  • Participates in the organization of University events;
  • Organizes events in relation to its functions;
  • Takes charge of event’s publicity through press releases, media coverage, and press conferences (if necessary);
  • Designs and produces promotional materials, tokens of recognition/appreciation;
  • Prepares and executes a reception plan; and
  • Prepares media kits and sets up media desk (if necessary). ÌýÌý

Visit Management

Special visitors of the University are accorded by the Office the corresponding protocol that begins from their arrival until their departure from the University. This includes forming a reception line, preparing the University Guest Book, giving of the appropriate University token/memento, meal service (if necessary), and leave-taking.

Campus tours are provided by the Office for various guests and visitors of the University. Some tours are provided for guests of Faculties/Colleges/Institutes/Schools while other campus tours are arranged for students who are interested to study in UST. In both instances, the Office prepares itinerary for the campus tour based on the guests’ need. For the latter group, the Office coordinates with the Office of Admission regarding University requirements and policies.

Visit of Her Majesty Queen Sofia

Visit of H.E. Sung Y. Kim of the United States to the PhilippinesÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý

Visit of the Mr. Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Laureate in LiteratureÌý

Visit of Most Rev. Salvatore Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

Relative to its functions and services, the Office:

During Special Visits

  • Prepares the itinerary for the visit;
  • Coordinates with offices to be visited;
  • Provides the University Guest Book and pen;
  • Provides University token;
  • Documents the visit through photography and news article in the University publication/s, or press releases; and
  • Forms reception line and takes care of departure courtesies.


During Campus Tours

  • Prepares itinerary for the visit;
  • Coordinates with offices to be visited;
  • Provides the corresponding UST information materials to facilitate tour; and
  • Prepares the University tokens (when applicable).

Media Management

The Office of Public Affairs works in close coordination with the Office of the Secretary General particularly regarding media. As it serves as the communication arm of the University for its external stakeholders and takes charge of the public relations program of the University, it coordinates with various media organizations and personalities, and provides information about important events and accomplishments of the University.

2019 CNN Philippines senatorial debate

Signing of MOA between UST and Lahi.PHÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý

Lecture of Jing Magsaysay, President of Lahi.PH

Relative to its functions and services, upon the approval of the Father Secretary General, the Office:

  • Organizes press conferences on highly significant announcements, major events, and achievements;
  • Prepares press releases, and disseminates them to media outfits;
  • Invites media to cover major UST events, and assists them during interviews of UST officials, faculty members/administrators, students, and/or resource persons from the Thomasian community;
  • Coordinates with the media with regard to:
    • Conducting location shoots and other analogous productions of media organizations inside the campus;
    • Holding of radio/TV programs and other alternative media programs inside the University; and
    • Conducting interviews of official representatives of or resource persons/experts from the University.



Acting Director


Assistant to the Director for Publications

Support Staff


Office Secretary


Office Clerk


Information Service Officer


Office Clerk

Contact Information

Office Address

Telephone Numbers


Office Address

Telephone Numbers