

Ecclesiastical Faculties

ABOGADO, Fr. Jannel, N., O.P., D.Th.Pat.Sc.

Academic Degrees

Doctorate in Theology and Patristic Sciences, 2013
Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Lateran University, Rome

Licentiate in Sacred TheologyandMaster of Arts in Theology, 2006
Ƶapp, Manila, Philippines

Master of Arts in Ƶapp, 35 units earned
Ƶapp, Manila, Philippines

Bachelor of Arts major in Ƶapp, 1999
Philippine Dominican Center of Institutional Studies, Quezon City, Philippines

Title of the Dissertation

Hilary of Poitiers on Conciliating the Homouseans and the Homoeouseans, A Historico-Theological Inquiry on the Fourth-century Trinitarian Controversy

Area of Specialization

Dogma; Patristics

Published Work

Publishedand editedWorks:

Books / Monographs:

Abogado, Jannel, O.P., ed.Building the Church, the Dominican Way: Studies on Dominicans in the Philippines and their Ministries (Manila: Ƶapp Publishing House, 2019), i-291.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.Hilary of Poiters on Conciliating the Homouseans and the Homoeouseans: An Inquiry on the Fourth Century Trinitarian Controversy. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang Academics International Publishers, 2016. 318 pp.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.Hilary of Poitiers on conciliating the homouseans and the homoeouseans, A historico-theological inquiry on the fourth-century trinitarian controversy,Excerpta ex dissertatione ad Doctoratum in Theologia et Scientiis Patristicis, Roma 2013, i-126.

Journal Articles:

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.and Joseph Nguyen Huu Thap, O.P. “The Significance of Homoousius in Athanasius of Alexandria,”Ƶapp Sacra,vol. LIV, no. 162 (May-August 2019): 255-278.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“The Anti-Arian Theology of the Councilof Nicea of 325,”Angelicum, 94 (2017): 255-286.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“Manuel Piñon, OP’sRetrieval of theBiblicalSignificance of the Doctrine of Predestination,” inƵapp Sacra,vol. LI, no. 153(May-August 2016),373-401.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“Hilary of Poiters Makes East and West Meet: The ConciliatoryTheology of De Synodis.”Ƶapp Sacra, vol. 50, no. 151 (September – December 2015): 437-472.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“Persecution and Martyrdom in the Early Church. History, Motives and Theology.”Ƶapp Sacra, vol. 150 (May-August 2015): 207-246.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“Natural Family Planning, Contraception, and Abortion: A Critical Consideration of the RH Law” inƵapp SacraXLIX (Sept.-Dec. 2014), 303-328.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“”,inƵappSacraXLI(Sept.-Dec.2006), 499-541.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.”, inƵapp SacraXLIV, no. 130 (Jan.-Apr. 2009), 61-80.

Abogado, Jannel, O.P.“,inƵapp SacraXLII/127 (Jan.-Apr. 2008), 33, co-authored with Ronald Cortel and Joel Sagut.

Scientific, Ecclesial and Cultural Activities

  • Associate Professor, UST Faculty of Sacred Theology(since March 20, 2020)
  • Director, Center for Religious Studies and Ethics, Ƶapp(2013 to present)
  • Director,UST Institute of Physical Education and Athletics
  • Secretary,CBCP Office on Bioethics
  • Regent,Ƶapp High School (2014-Present)
  • Pastoral Director,UST Central Seminary, (2014-Present)
  • FormerSpiritual Director,UST Central Seminary, (2006-2007)
  • FormerVice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Bataan (2006)
  • Peer Reviewer(Studia Elckie;2013, nr. 4), Publishing House Adalbertinum, Elk, Poland.


Courses Taught:

  • Pre-Nicene Theology
  • Post-Nicene Theology
  • Fourth-Century Trinitarian Controversy
  • Fifth to Seventh Century Christological Controversy
  • Introduction to St. Augustine, The De Trinitateof St. Augustine

Research Field of Interest

Hilary of Poitiers, Augustine

Fourth Century Trinitarian Controversy

Fifth-Seventh Century Christological Controversy

History of Christian Thought, Ancient Church History

Important Links

Congregation for Catholic Education:
Ƶapp: www.ust.edu.ph
UST Miguel de Benavides Library:
UST MyUSTE Student Portal:

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Ƶapp Sacra:
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