
Fraud Examiner Picornell lectures on use of FL in investigational process

International Association of Forensic Linguists Vice President Dr. Isabel Picornell, delivered the lecture “Telling it like it isn’t: Applying forensic linguistic principles to fraud investigations”on October 22, 2020, via Zoom, during the third installment of the Webinar Series on Forensic Linguistics organized by the UST Department of English.

A Certified Fraud Examiner, Picornell, who is also the Director of the QED Limited in the United Kingdom, is engaged in examining how language is manipulated in documents. In her lecture, she first provided linguistic theories and principles which are violated in fraudulent acts and gave examples highlighting email threads and Facebook messenger conversations that were eventually proven deceitful.

Picornell pointed out that a forensic linguist’s role is not to determine who is guilty but to provide information through linguistic strategies to help in investigational procedures.

UST Department of English Chair Prof. Rachelle B. Lintao, Ph.D., moderated the online lecture which was attended by participants from 22 different countries, including the Philippines.

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