
Martin of Graduate School, SHS lectures at PMA

Dr. Edwin Martin, faculty member at the UST Graduate School and the Senior High School, gave a lecture on the topic of Federalism at the Philippine Military Academy’s (PMA) Lopez Hall of Leaders in Baguio City on September 12, 2017. The PMA is the premier military school of the country. It is proud of its long and illustrious history of preparing only the best Filipino men (and, in recent times, women) for military service. Dr. Martin was invited to deliver a lecture on the topic “Philippine Local Government in Transit: A Journey to Federalism” by the PMA’s Department of Social Sciences.

In the context of some sectors’ clamor to change the Philippines’ form of government from unitary to federal, federalism has gained interest and growing momentum in the consciousness on many Filipinos. In this regard, Martin provided arguments to the possible advantages and disadvantage of the government’s shift to federalism. He likewise provided possible scenarios and organizational restructuring in case the shift pushes through.

Dr. Martin is the Point Person for the Public Administration programs at the UST Graduate School and teaches Research at the UST Senior High School. He is the nationally elected president of the Association of Schools of Public Administration in the Philippines based at the University of the Philippines – National College of Public Administration and Governance.

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