
UST looks forward to Sta. Rosa Campus site development as kick -off event is held

UST Rector Very Rev. Fr. Herminio V. Dagohoy, O.P., was the Main
Presider in the concelebrated Sunday Mass held on September 10,
2017 at the UST Sta. Rosa Campus, the newest campus of UST outside Espaňa, attended by members of the Thomasian community all wearing golden yellow, UST’s color.

After the Mass was the burying of the sacramentals placed in a box that consisted of a rosary, blessed salt, and medal of St. Benedict to symbolize the consecration of the campus to God.

Dominican Fathers, administrators and student leaders took part in shoveling back the earth to cover the sacramentals as the Campus Ministry choir recited the invocation to all saints serving as a prayer accompanying the ceremony.

The campus was dedicated to St. Rose of Lima, the same saint after whom the place, Sta. Rosa, is named. A video of the campus was presented by the contractors showing an artist’s perspective of the campus lay-out. It is projected that the first part of the construction in the 40-hectare land will be completed by the year 2020 to accommodate 5,000 students. Site
development is expected to start soon.

The final part of the event was the tree-planting ceremony held outside of
the fenced area where academic units have been clustered into the following: Ecclesiastical Faculties, Civil Law/ Graduate School/Graduate School of Law, Medicine/Pharmacy, Arts and Letters/Education, Commerce
and Business Administration/

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