
Yokohama, Hijiyama University students learn English language, Filipino culture in UST

Two groups of Japanese students took a course on English Language and Filipino Culture at UST. Students from Yokohama National University, and Hijiyama University participated in the simultaneous language classes.

This program held last February 2015 was handled by the Language Center, headed by Asst. Prof. Honorata Dayao. Field trips were coursed through the Center for Conservation of Cultural Property and Environment in the Tropics under the directorship of Assoc. Prof. Eric B. Zerrudo. The students were exposed to traditional dances, Filipino cuisine, and Philippine History. 

While the focus was on learning English as a second language, the social experience that resulted from bringing Japanese and Thomasian students together became an integral part of the program. One of the highlights of their stay in the university was the holding of Japanese and Filipino cultural night. This activity, organized jointly by the Office of International Relations and Programs, and Office for Student Affairs, was attended by approximately 60 students. 

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